all about

My photo
The name BIANA MARIE came from my Lola Bibiana (my dad's Mama), and my Nana Marilyn (my mom's Nanay). If I was born a boy, I would have been named MARIO RICO or RICO MARIO from my Lolo Mario Othelo (my dad's Papa), and my Lolo Ricardo (my mom's Tatay). Good thing I'm a girl ;)

A Run For Pasig River 10.10.10

I recently joined the 10.10.10 fun run, A Run For Pasig River. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to join another one!


My favorite toy, Pucca. I bring her with me wherever I go. Mommy let's me watch Pucca's cartoon show every afternoon and on weekend nights.


My mom enrolled me in ballet class back in 2007, I enjoyed it a lot. I remember Teacher Rica, she was our ballet teacher and she was a good one. I stopped ballet classes because I wanted to try something else like taekwondo, swimming and football.